Teens Homework Help

Homework Help

Britannica School Middle web button

Grades 5 - 8. Find fast answers and homework help, explore videos and articles on famous people and places, and discover maps, photos, and illustrations for school projects.

School Center from LearningExpress Library web button

Grades 4 - 12 skills improvement in math, writing and grammar, reading comprehension, social studies, and vocabulary and spelling through tests, eBooks, and tutorials. U.S. Constitution study and review, advanced math, and logic available for high school students.
Britannica School High web button

Grades 9 - 12.  Get quick facts and in-depth information on a wide variety of subjects.  Start research projects with multiple resources in one place.  Find multimedia to use in projects and presentations.
Khan Academy

Grades Elementary through College.  Expert-created content and resources for every course and level.  

Pronunciator is a language-learning service for all ages, all literacy levels, and all 80 of the world's most popular languages.